NPTEL Online Certification
fiber_manual_recordNPTEL has completed 12 years since inception and we have 850 web and video courses across 23 disciplines. We have begun the initiative of certification for these courses created in a phased manner, so that students may see tangible end result in the form of a certificate from the Centre for Continuing Education, IIT for their effort.
fiber_manual_recordThe main benefits of participating in an online course under NPTEL are that the student can review and assess his own progress week after week and also get his doubts clarified mutually or by the faculty in charge or by mentors, immediately, which enables him understand the subject better.
fiber_manual_recordThe learning in NPTEL Online certification is free and is open for anyone and everyone. There is an optional proctored certification exam that the student can take part at the end of the course to earn certificates from the IITs. Please visit: